by Aya Zubi and Jacob Barnes
On Monday, May 14, the United States inaugurated its embassy in Jerusalem, recognizing the city as Israel's capital. Jerusalem has deep historic, religious and emotional ties for both Palestinians and Israelis, and both claim it as their capital.
President Trump, who initiated this campaign, but didn't attend the ceremony, sent in a video which was played to the crowd. Trump said, "May there be peace," but the total opposite happened. The day was marked by violence and bloodshed, as tens of thousands of Palestinians protested the embassy opening and Israeli army forces killed more than 50 protesters.
President Trump, who initiated this campaign, but didn't attend the ceremony, sent in a video which was played to the crowd. Trump said, "May there be peace," but the total opposite happened. The day was marked by violence and bloodshed, as tens of thousands of Palestinians protested the embassy opening and Israeli army forces killed more than 50 protesters.
As Israel has the right to protect its boundary, they did not consult the Palestinians about the movement of the U.S embassy. When the Palestinians found out the of the movement of the U.S embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem they got frustrated because of the Holy aspect of Jerusalem. Palestinians did not want a government embassy in such a sacred place.
They started protesting peacefully but the Israelis, with previous tensions about this “Holy Land”, got defensive about the Palestinians peacefully protesting. The Israelis started being harming the people who were protesting. For example, they were using tear gas, water cannons, and other weapons to break up the protestors.
They started protesting peacefully but the Israelis, with previous tensions about this “Holy Land”, got defensive about the Palestinians peacefully protesting. The Israelis started being harming the people who were protesting. For example, they were using tear gas, water cannons, and other weapons to break up the protestors.
The Israelis were living peacefully with Arabs in Israel but moving this embassy resulted with unnecessary violence and deaths. This resulted in many effects that are still happening until this day. For example, Arab Israeli citizens lost jobs because Israelis are scared of hiring them and what will happen to them if they do give them employment.
Trump wanted to “make peace” by moving the United States embassy but it has had the opposite effect; causing innocent men, women and children their lives. May 14 was a day for peace and change in Trump's words, but both Palestinians and Israelis said otherwise.
Blood was shed, lives were taken, tears of innocent people were shed. It turned to a day of terror and horror. Only negative effects came about on this day. Arabs, Palestinians and Israelis now have to struggle to survive and end this conflict.
Blood was shed, lives were taken, tears of innocent people were shed. It turned to a day of terror and horror. Only negative effects came about on this day. Arabs, Palestinians and Israelis now have to struggle to survive and end this conflict.
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