Friday, March 23, 2018

Nameless Characters On a Beach

by Ryan Charles, senior reporter

Dunkirk is a film written and directed by Christopher Nolan. This film was beautifully shot utilizing many different angles, from the bird's eye views used to capture the beach filled with soldiers to the point of view shots used during the aerial battle scenes.

The plot was a compilation of different perspectives during the evacuation of Dunkirk beach at the end of WW2. There was just one problem, The characters do not have names. I realized this when trying to explain the movie to a friend, I found myself saying things like, “the guy who flies the plane” and “the English sailor.” This lack of development of the characters made it hard for me to fully engage myself in the film, and even harder to explain it to someone else.

Friday, March 2, 2018

Cheerleaders Go to Nationals in Disney World

by Laura Padilla, Freshman reporter

This year the West Hempstead Varsity Cheerleading team received a bid to Nationals for the first time ever in West Hempstead history.

The cheerleaders went to a competition and thought they lost their chance of going to nationals but it seemed that the people who manage the scores got confused and said the team didn't place but really they did and they placed third.

The coaches, Ms. Spano and Ms.Longo, really outdid themselves with these cheer routines. The cheer routines were lively and so outstanding that they earned the girls a trip to Nationals. Not only did the coaches work hard but the team put in so much effort. These girls struggled and practiced every week, they put their blood, sweat, and tears into these routines.